
Moraga's Huang Brothers Define Our Place In the Universe

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Cary Huang liked the size comparison video on cells his seventh grade science teacher showed them in class one day. He decided to take the concept a step further, creating an interactive map of humankind's place in the universe.

The Moraga ninth-grader told ABC News he undertook the project "for fun," not school credit, and that his twin brother Michael supplied the technical help it took to get the flash presentation up, running -- and on YouTube.

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Click on the ABC link above for the fully interactive Flash version, though the data-heavy file may take time to load. We've included the YouTube version so you can have a quick look at the project. And, yes, Cary's teacher was so impressed by his project that he showed it in class, too.

Cary told ABC news he worked on the project, on and off, for a year and a half, culling information from Wikipedia and astronomy books and layering his project over time. He asked anyone who spotted any errors he may have made to let him know.

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"Scale of the Universe 2" is, as might be expected, the brothers' second attempt at detailing our place in things, the second iteration more interactive and informative than the first, they said. They're getting better with their computer skills and knowledge of astronomy as they go.

That's all well and good, but we're still wondering why we never heard of Gomez's Hamburger in our astronomy classes.

Nice job, Huang brothers, nearly 9,000 views on YouTube and climbing.

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